Tuesday, March 18, 2008

$2033. First round success!! and small coffee failure.

Yes! YES!

So much relief. Beat the deadline $2033 before the March 21st/ $2000 mark. Much thanks again to everyone who has given. Wow.

Final totals on the change counting from neighborhood panic attack: $149. Wow again. I live in a pretty great neighborhood. Thanks!

Mr. and Mrs. Moses. Thanks for generosity always: home cooked dinners, astronauts, abundant entertainment, aussie bites, hair straigheners, and grad schools advice ( “Don’t be a doink”). Thanks so much for your donation. You guys are fantastic.

Za, well aware that she is actually the best. And you are. Well done.

Za’s Mom and Dad (Pattie and Willie G) Thanks so so much. I love you and the farm and will be back to sit in your kitchen. Za told me you are helping me out even more, I can’t thank you enough.

Mom and Dad. Thanks for donating, even when you don’t know you are. Ha. Just kidding… sort of.

Rizwan. Good Job. Timely + extra. Youre awesome.

Cathy and John. Thanks neighbors!! Act like neighbors even when you aren’t neighbors. Thanks so much!

Uncle P and Aunt Martha. Thanks so much. Even after reading my obnoxiously sarcastic letter. I really appreciate it. Thanks again. Family = love.

More thanks to Alan. Awesome bike advice and potential gear borrowing! Thanks thanks!

Ok confession. It is my birthday, so I bought a coffee—a fancy one. I thought after abstaining I would perhaps find it gross or not care for it as much. nope. It was delicious.

1 comment:

Suzaphone said...

Happy Day of Birth. Hope it was a good one, and filled with lots of cake. In my philosophy cake is the solution to most anything. Like your decoffeeing attempts, you can just eat coffee cake. Ok so maybe that would be counter productive. So before I go off on too long of a rant on the goodness of cake, I will wish you much merriment in the last hour and 2 min of your birthday, and I can't wait to meet you and bike 3,428 miles across the USofA!