Friday, March 14, 2008

Many dogs and lots of quarters.

Thanks Susan!! I am pretty sure we have met on two occasions. Really that makes you that much more awesome. Thanks so much.

Cat. I love you. I have already mentioned this before, but you are great.

Darren. Thanks again. Sorry for confusing you with flattery. Also thank you for not letting me burn down the house. It is much appreciated.

Barbara/ entire Williams clan. Thanks so much. I miss you and Rolling Green and Willy.

The deadline is approaching near, so I may have started getting a little anxious about the whole matter. So tonight I put on my bike gear, covered an oatmeal container with a bike and build brochure and went out knocking on possibly ever door in the neighborhood. So amazing !! Some people were so incredibly generous. I got two checks, a number of bills and lots and lots of change, 2 nails, 3 screws, and a tack. I haven’t counted it out yet, but the whole event was pretty awesome.

So I personally get to thank those who straight up wrote me checks even when I was asking for change:
Thuon, you and all roommates plus 6 (possibly 7?) dogs are really amazing and funny. Thanks!
Adriana and housemates—thanks for inviting me in, for the water, for great
conversation and for your amazing generosity. You guys are great.

Also this one lady gave me her quarter collection. Wow, state quarter collection. Not even kidding. And some people didn’t even really wait for me to explain what I was doing. I got through “Hi, I am raising money for Bike and Build…” and they would bolt upstairs and bring down their change jar
and dump it in. I mean I was really really impressed.

Here is yet un-fixed hover disk. Also a goal.

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