Monday, February 25, 2008

Bunnies don't eat ketchup.

I talked to Scott Shapiro ( B&B group leader) yesterday, bemoaning the cold and the all the excitement of cycling that is lost to a stationary bike. Ah! but lo and behold, today a balmy 50 F, so in lieu of more pressing matters of schooling I decided to fit in an short ride. The Virginia Tech cycling club has a pretty nice website with different routes that are bike friendly or relatively so--essentially a low density of those large trucks with 4 rear wheels and lights on top. Also they include these neat and clever elevation profiles, which I have labeled to summarize the trip. The portion of ride under "Torture" is Harding Rd., which intersects on the way up roads such as "Bunny Trail" and "Happy Hallow." I started to think as I climbed whether I should turn off one of those. Surely Bunny Trail Rd. would be less steep and generally more happy. And if I got tired, I am sure a large group of soft rabbits would gently carry me the rest of the way home anyway.
Also on this ride I found a deflated Hover Disk. And, yes, I attached it to my bike and took it home. I plan on repairing it so that it may fly once more. Although, all in all, the garbage in Blacksburg is much less and exciting or diverse then the litter surrounding Greenbelt, Md where I was this fall-- a surprising number of wigs, bags of bread (specifically baguettes), boxes of bananas, and on one occasion an unopened box ring pops. More than once I thought I had pedaled far beyond the reaches of civilization and would hit a ketchup packet at 20mph. Incredibly pleasant.

1 comment:

Steven said...

The little graph made me laugh, then I saw that the "torture" portion was where I used to live. I've always thought those cyclists a bit crazy on that road.