Thursday, February 7, 2008

Shameless thanking and healthier caffeine free lifestyle

Let us all bask in the amazing awesomeness of Miss Laurie and Mr. Mike along with Auntie Paula and Greg, being my first donors. Truly amazing and great. It has even inspired me to write what is sure to become this self-consuming blog, which, case in point, has thus far kept me from finishing my homework for tomorrow.

I have developed a scheme in which to improve my overall health as well as earn me some much needed funds.

--A scheme is obviously necessary because apparently I can’t just choose to be healthier, or just give of my own free will. That would be ridiculous.

I have calculated (well, not actually calculated, more like a brief mental estimate. Putting real numbers on this would be far too depressing) the large sums of money I must spend on coffee on a week to week basis. It’s just way too much. Then if you factor in the other warm, often breakfast-associated beverages that I consume throughout the day… tea, hot chocolate, the absurdity grows.

Anyway, the plan/self-trickery goes as this: strong coffee desire comes, pull out the money, put in self-trickery jar, drink a glass of water. I am hoping that the warm feeling I will get inside from helping others will replace the actual physical, cold, rather unpleasant feeling of drinking the curiously metallic-tasting water from any number of water fountains scattered about campus.

So if all goes according to plan, I will solely rely on the energizing good feelings, which come from charity and proper hydration to keep awake in class tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes.

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