Thursday, May 15, 2008

$4083 yes yes Awesome/ Tragic Farewell to Blacksburg

Blacksburg, I am going to miss you--your bike lanes/turning lanes and your large trucks.

Your never ending supply of interesting and engaging garbage. This one by far was my favorite, the family sized banquet chicken nugget bag, really in the middle of nowhere --an additional sprig of parsley as a one of many possible serving suggestions.

I am going to miss Mt. Tabor Rd. and any of the other surrounding "hills" of the area that take about 30 minutes to climb. Tear, tear.

Yes!!! made it! $4083, before the deadline. excellence.

Thanks to:

Jason Fox, super awesome Bay resident.
Katie Brutsche, field camp love.
Alec Luong, best wpolo coach ever.
Kayla Iacovino Phd., scientist, director, and baker.
Dr. Erikkson, my very cool sedimentology professor.
Stephanie Cox, geology soulmate
Amy Waller, sister and donor of the century even though she didn't go to graduation. She was sick. So here is a precious picture as a special treat.

It is ok to ignore the disgruntled girl the in the background. Not sure who that is.

1 comment:

Kayla Iacovino said...

Hooray! I didn't know you had a blog. Now I do. Sweet blog. I found it because I have a google alert set to my name, so I get an e-mail anytime "Kayla Iacovino" appears on the web. Yes. No, I don't find that vain in any sense of the word.

Good luck on your super awesome bike tour!!! And, thanks for the shout out!